Thank you sir. You have given more encouragement in my life than all the other people combined.

All of us dream. We dream of living in multi-million dollar houses, riding the finest cars, eating the most exotic food yet only 1% of the population actually have all those things. What is it that they possess to attract success that we do not?
They do not have a magic lamp or a boon from God. But I believe they have something more potent. Something more powerful - THE ABILITY TO ACT.
To transform your desires into it’s monetary equivalent, You need to ACT. It is action that separates fantasy from reality, victory from defeat. Action and achievement are inextricably bound to each other like water and life. Your thoughts and dreams are like architects, designing your life the way you want it to be. But it is your actions that are the building blocks which meticulously combine to form the magnificent structure that is your life. With just the dreams, there’s nothing but a blueprint of what CAN be a splendid monument.
We procrastinate and blame our fears for our idleness. Remember, If you do what you have always done, you'll get what you have always got. :)
Success is not something that you stumble upon. It takes determination, Hard Work and persistence to achieve it. All of us want to win. But how many of us are actually willing to go that extra mile? We do what we are told to do and nothing more. Friends, in the future, make it a habit of doing more than what you’re paid for. If you rationalize your laziness with lack of pay, you have condemned yourself to stay lazy, poor and miserable forever. How can you demand for more when you have not been giving more ?
I was working in a call centre after my twelfth. My boss delegated a task of researching numbers and addresses of educational institutions in India to me and some of my fellow colleagues. They ended up giving approximately 100-200 schools’ details as it was the target. I on the other hand was the only person to give more than a thousand. I did it not for the money. I did it because I want to make it a habit of putting in a 110% in whatever I do.
A wise man once told me, "The only difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is 'extra'. So let's all strive to give that extra in life and be more than just ordinary."
So if you ask me, "kaisa laga?" I have but one answer- ACHA LAGA!! :)
Thanks again sir.
madhu sir was rite raju..dont giv up! :)
i kno my opiniion may not count as much but i liked ur post..:)
Motivation is your calling! Madhu Sir told you the right thing and I second his opinion! :)
thaanks you guys... :)
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