Wednesday, July 1, 2009


[ This post was made on July 15 2009 - My apologies for it's late publishing]

Dear nonexistent readers,
This blog is but a tool to motivate myself to continue when i feel im on the edge ready to give up. And here I am, looking down, ready to take the plunge. By writing these posts on how to succeed makes me feel successful in a life where i have not even one accomplishment tied to my name. It's a petty, desperate way to clinge on to an "unrealistic" fantasy of being successful. But I WILL clinge on to my dreams till they become a reality.

For me, It all started with a dream. This deep rooted motivation, this raging desire, this blazing fire in the pit of my stomach that is consuming me, every waking moment of my life. Even this blog was started to fuel this one dream. Everyday I wake up to see this dream and everyday I can't sleep because of this dream. This dream is what keeps me going.

Teachers- You can keep your marks.
Relatives- You can keep your speech.
Friends- You can keep your criticism.
And I, I will keep my dream.