It has been sometime since i blogged but what follows deserves to be written down and remembered.
We have all woken right up into a depressed mood which made sure your whole day would suck. This day started as one of those. I went to the balcony and as I looked up to the sky, the grey of the moisture painted across the hazy clouds, I stopped thinking about everything else and just thought to myself, "We live in such a perfect World". And that soon led to another thought, "Did god really make this extremely complex and diverse world?" And then it came upon me that god din't make anything, god doesn't even exist anywhere other than the vast human imagination. So I really asked myself, "So what did create this world as we know it?" and as Bob Dylan said it himself, "The answer really was blowing in the wind!". The answer was, "Suffering"
You may ask, "How suffering???"
Well, we all know millions of years back life formed on earth in the form of simple algae and bacteria. But they evolved into brilliant complex and diverse life forms we see today. But how did they evolve? The answer again comes, "suffering". It was only because they suffered a threat from a predator or climate change, they evolved into something more complex. If the suffering was not there, all the lush green rainforests with it's infinte animals and birds, the vibrant coloured coral reefs with it's ever more vibrant inhabitants, the forever whistling wind in the deserts with animals evolved over millions of years just to flourish there, all of it would have be replaced with primitive bacteria this very day.
Evolution and time have been filtering the life on earth sparing only the most adaptable and superior species to exist making our world, a world that's amazingly beautiful and PERFECT.
The profound thing is not that revelation but why we do not apply the same in our life? We are terrified of advertisity and suffering and many people avoid it at all costs. Some 'play it safe' throughout their life to escape it's tests. But no one understands that by suffering you are actually filtering yourself to your innate beauty and perfection. If at this very moment, you feel life is tough on you, feel relieved of the fact that you are on your way to finding that lush forest, that vibrant reefs and that perfect world that rests within you. And once you get past the suffering, true happiness will be yours.
"If you are going through hell, keep going"-Winston Churchill
"We acquire the strength we have overcome." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Turn your wounds into wisdom"- Oprah Winfrey.