Hi Dear Reader,
This is my first ever blog post and I hope what follows will benefit and enlighten you. And please remember to leave comments and yes, criticism is most welcome.
I've just finished my high school a couple of weeks ago. I have an average percentile which will grant me admission in most colleges. Traditionally, a person in my shoes would be busy studying for admission exams and applying for an admission in colleges, but I haven't applied to a single college and I am not planning to either this year. I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I believe that you don't need education to make money. I've decided to take an year off and use it to get a job for myself, save for college, start a small time business and also help my parents with the rising expenditure. But everyone I pass by keeps asking me this same question, "Which college are you going to join?" and when i tell them I'm going to start a legitimate business and get a job, they go nuts and allege that my decision is stupid. "You cant start a business now", "You're too young", "You need education to make money", "Businesses will never succeed". And all I want to reply is- "SHUUUTTT UP!!! that is the biggest load of crap I've heard in my life".
People, dont get me wrong. I understand the pivotal importance of education in one's life. Its the advices i get that conflicts with my beliefs. Right from my childhood, adults have given me the same advice. The same advice they got when they were a child - "You have to study hard and get a job so that you can be rich and successful". This thought is so deep rooted in the minds of our society- young and old, they are totally oblivious to the fact that there are other ways to be successful. We blindly follow others and most of us are terrified to try something new or to adopt a method different from others. Some of the most successful people who ever lived were uneducated. They succeded not because of education or a fancy college degree. They succeeded because they thought differently, they had the courage to believe in their thoughts and they Worked Hard to pursue their thoughts.
These people include-
Thomas Alva Edison - The greatest inventor that ever lived.
Dhirubai Ambani - The biggest business magnate inIndia . ( If he would have been alive today, his assets would be worth more than 100billion $, His sons mukesh and anil are the 4th and 5th richest people today in the world respectively.
Fred Trump - an imigrant who lived in theUS , started out with nothing and ended up with all the wealth in the world. His son, Donald Trump, is the biggest real estate developer in Manhattan . He holds the credit for making some of the finest golf courses, hotels, apartments in the world. And many many more. All these people found a niche for themselves in their respective professional world and have redefined success because of the way they think and act. And I assure you, I will also come in this list and some child somewhere, sometime in the future will be writing a similar article setting me as an example.
As a man who fuels his lamp of learning with the oils of others’ experience, let me expound the following maxim: Don't do what others do just because they're doing it. They probably dont know why they are doing it themselves.
I have to go now, so I conclude by saying this- think differently, believe in yourself. You know what is best for you better than anyone else. Dont let others suggestions bring you down. And whatever you do, do it with the best of yout abilities and work hard.
Thank You readers for the precious time you have spent to read my article. I will be back in a couple of days to dip my hands into some other topic.
This is my first ever blog post and I hope what follows will benefit and enlighten you. And please remember to leave comments and yes, criticism is most welcome.
I've just finished my high school a couple of weeks ago. I have an average percentile which will grant me admission in most colleges. Traditionally, a person in my shoes would be busy studying for admission exams and applying for an admission in colleges, but I haven't applied to a single college and I am not planning to either this year. I am an aspiring entrepreneur. I believe that you don't need education to make money. I've decided to take an year off and use it to get a job for myself, save for college, start a small time business and also help my parents with the rising expenditure. But everyone I pass by keeps asking me this same question, "Which college are you going to join?" and when i tell them I'm going to start a legitimate business and get a job, they go nuts and allege that my decision is stupid. "You cant start a business now", "You're too young", "You need education to make money", "Businesses will never succeed". And all I want to reply is- "SHUUUTTT UP!!! that is the biggest load of crap I've heard in my life".
People, dont get me wrong. I understand the pivotal importance of education in one's life. Its the advices i get that conflicts with my beliefs. Right from my childhood, adults have given me the same advice. The same advice they got when they were a child - "You have to study hard and get a job so that you can be rich and successful". This thought is so deep rooted in the minds of our society- young and old, they are totally oblivious to the fact that there are other ways to be successful. We blindly follow others and most of us are terrified to try something new or to adopt a method different from others. Some of the most successful people who ever lived were uneducated. They succeded not because of education or a fancy college degree. They succeeded because they thought differently, they had the courage to believe in their thoughts and they Worked Hard to pursue their thoughts.
These people include-
Thomas Alva Edison - The greatest inventor that ever lived.
Dhirubai Ambani - The biggest business magnate in
Fred Trump - an imigrant who lived in the
As a man who fuels his lamp of learning with the oils of others’ experience, let me expound the following maxim: Don't do what others do just because they're doing it. They probably dont know why they are doing it themselves.
I have to go now, so I conclude by saying this- think differently, believe in yourself. You know what is best for you better than anyone else. Dont let others suggestions bring you down. And whatever you do, do it with the best of yout abilities and work hard.
Thank You readers for the precious time you have spent to read my article. I will be back in a couple of days to dip my hands into some other topic.
Until then,
Bubye. Take care.
Bubye. Take care.
Thank you.
Well that was a really good article.You did point out something which most people tend to do nowadays "Opt to do what others do".Anyway,good article!!!
hehe.. thanks.. :)
hmmm...d article actually makes sense....but lemme giv u a big applause for d wndrful vocabulary (i noe dat t aint d topic 4 d comment, bt i stil kudnt help commenting on ur language...)
i agree wid evrythng u hav ritennn...but den to put t in2 prac tis gona b a rela tough tymm.... so wishin u ol d bsttt... n yaaaaaa....mayb moi kids wil ryt a similar article wid ur name included.....
duuuuude....u jst suprise me again n again...gud wrk bak der da...by thinkin diff is a very valid point u jst pointd out..k...u r gnna stik 2 no eduction thingy...fine..bt wt nxt??...been talkin 2 u all abt dyz shit al d while...bt u nevr waz sure wt 2 do??..n u n me knwz edu wnt b doin ne harm in ur lif...bt jst bcuz....few of d biggest business magnetz n uneducated dat doesnt mean u hav 2 b lik dem 2 b succesiv in lif..dey had a vision...wt do u hav jst 2 start sm b.s aint d point buddy...think abt it..u nvr gav ne clue of tht b4...thtz y...bst of luk..n dude...i lik u bcuz u r alrdy diff 4rm othrz...tak care man...
man, u have made a clear statement and it is an eyeopening one. Unlike us, u chose something different, well that is great man. We followed what our elders said and blindly believed that is the theory behind a good living.
Well, nice.... i totally agree with u man, good going
dai.....w t f....raju..da crazy guy...2 raju da philosopher????........gr8.....dud!!!!!
WOW thanks a lot guyZ!!!!!! those coments were awesome! and people dont forget to revisit the blog every week!
thanks a million people!!
good job buddy!!!worth readin!!!!
WOW...Good work rajoo!!
At this rate, you should be looking at taking up writing seriously n not entrepreneurship! Really man, keep posting definitely worth reading!
Though have to admit like Ananth pointed out, just because some of the most successful guys in the world weren't formally educated, I bet a 'fancy degree' isn't gonna do any harm!
Anyways, I'll surely tell my kids in the future that this guy's my friend!!
daamn ! thanks a lot da!! and DA! i told u ..i WILL be going to college next year. just lyk u guyz said.. a college degreee neva hurts! :D
Great work bro... you've really managed to make me change my own perspective of this issue. Now, come to think of it... forget your entrepreneurship and try to take up something you've proved that you're talented at - WRITING! :-)
And also, you have got to understand that no matter how hard these eminent people worked, making it big AND staying there also requires luck to a certain extent. Try to understand all these factors and make a wise decision, bro... May the force be with you! :-D
da pannha u srsly should think abt writting as nvm said ..... and i hope after all the b.s u dont quit ur first job after the 2nd day . . .i mean that would be embarassing . . . .
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