Saturday, November 20, 2010


It has been sometime since i blogged but what follows deserves to be written down and remembered.

We have all woken right up into a depressed mood which made sure your whole day would suck. This day started as one of those. I went to the balcony and as I looked up to the sky, the grey of the moisture painted across the hazy clouds, I stopped thinking about everything else and just thought to myself, "We live in such a perfect World". And that soon led to another thought, "Did god really make this extremely complex and diverse world?" And then it came upon me that god din't make anything, god doesn't even exist anywhere other than the vast human imagination. So I really asked myself, "So what did create this world as we know it?" and as Bob Dylan said it himself, "The answer really was blowing in the wind!". The answer was, "Suffering"

You may ask, "How suffering???"

Well, we all know millions of years back life formed on earth in the form of simple algae and bacteria. But they evolved into brilliant complex and diverse life forms we see today. But how did they evolve? The answer again comes, "suffering". It was only because they suffered a threat from a predator or climate change, they evolved into something more complex. If the suffering was not there, all the lush green rainforests with it's infinte animals and birds, the vibrant coloured coral reefs with it's ever more vibrant inhabitants, the forever whistling wind in the deserts with animals evolved over millions of years just to flourish there, all of it would have be replaced with primitive bacteria this very day.
Evolution and time have been filtering the life on earth sparing only the most adaptable and superior species to exist making our world, a world that's amazingly beautiful and PERFECT.

The profound thing is not that revelation but why we do not apply the same in our life? We are terrified of advertisity and suffering and many people avoid it at all costs. Some 'play it safe' throughout their life to escape it's tests. But no one understands that by suffering you are actually filtering yourself to your innate beauty and perfection. If at this very moment, you feel life is tough on you, feel relieved of the fact that you are on your way to finding that lush forest, that vibrant reefs and that perfect world that rests within you. And once you get past the suffering, true happiness will be yours.

"If you are going through hell, keep going"-Winston Churchill

"We acquire the strength we have overcome." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Turn your wounds into wisdom"- Oprah Winfrey.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello dear readers,
Welcome to yet another post.
Have you guys ever noticed something? Some people really does seem like they have all the luck. "He's got that mercedez ... not to his mention his mansion..." .... It's like he knows magic or voodoo or somethin...How did he get so successful?
I was just asking myself that same very question the other day. And I think I have found the answer.
You want to know what it is?
Well, It's definitely not voodoo! :)...

Well, How many times have we started something only to be distracted in the middle and to leave it incomplete? Heck, I got distracted like 10 times by the time I was done with the first paragraph!

And I have come to realize that it is this inability of ours that holds us back from getting what we want from life. WE JUST LACK FOCUS! And It is the lack of focus that sows the seeds of laziness in our minds. And laziness is a disease that leaves you with no goals, no purpose and inevitably, no success!

Whatever you see around you is the reflection of someone's thoughts at some time in the past. Cell phones and submarines were nothing but a figment of imagination up until the 1900s. How did these thoughts become reality?
So it's only a matter of time your today's dreams become your tomorrow's reality by focusing your mind on it.

Bill Gates, the former richest man in the worlds was once asked in a party, "Bill, what is the secret to your success?" being asked questions like these all the time, he smiles and answered "FOCUS!". The only person who had the same answer to the same question other than him was Warren Buffet - The current richest man in the world.

In the 21st century, we live in a time where distractions are everywhere from televisions to video games. We, the Future, are raised to be distracted. We are incapable of harnessing the true potential of our minds. And the very few of us who will be written in the history books and remembered for the generations to come will be those who have mastered the incomprehensible power that is our Mind!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

why can't we also be billionares and movie starS?!

This post is dedicated to MADHU SIR. The man who persuaded me to continue writing this blog inspite of having no readers. "Continue writing your blog. You will hit the bullseye in life." He told me. And A bullseye I will hit.
Thank you sir. You have given more encouragement in my life than all the other people combined.

All of us dream. We dream of living in multi-million dollar houses, riding the finest cars, eating the most exotic food yet only 1% of the population actually have all those things. What is it that they possess to attract success that we do not?
They do not have a magic lamp or a boon from God. But I believe they have something more potent. Something more powerful - THE ABILITY TO ACT.

To transform your desires into it’s monetary equivalent, You need to ACT. It is action that separates fantasy from reality, victory from defeat. Action and achievement are inextricably bound to each other like water and life. Your thoughts and dreams are like architects, designing your life the way you want it to be. But it is your actions that are the building blocks which meticulously combine to form the magnificent structure that is your life. With just the dreams, there’s nothing but a blueprint of what CAN be a splendid monument.
We procrastinate and blame our fears for our idleness. Remember, If you do what you have always done, you'll get what you have always got. :)

Success is not something that you stumble upon. It takes determination, Hard Work and persistence to achieve it. All of us want to win. But how many of us are actually willing to go that extra mile? We do what we are told to do and nothing more. Friends, in the future, make it a habit of doing more than what you’re paid for. If you rationalize your laziness with lack of pay, you have condemned yourself to stay lazy, poor and miserable forever. How can you demand for more when you have not been giving more ?
I was working in a call centre after my twelfth. My boss delegated a task of researching numbers and addresses of educational institutions in India to me and some of my fellow colleagues. They ended up giving approximately 100-200 schools’ details as it was the target. I on the other hand was the only person to give more than a thousand. I did it not for the money. I did it because I want to make it a habit of putting in a 110% in whatever I do.

A wise man once told me, "The only difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is 'extra'. So let's all strive to give that extra in life and be more than just ordinary."

So if you ask me, "kaisa laga?" I have but one answer- ACHA LAGA!! :)
Thanks again sir.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


[ This post was made on July 15 2009 - My apologies for it's late publishing]

Dear nonexistent readers,
This blog is but a tool to motivate myself to continue when i feel im on the edge ready to give up. And here I am, looking down, ready to take the plunge. By writing these posts on how to succeed makes me feel successful in a life where i have not even one accomplishment tied to my name. It's a petty, desperate way to clinge on to an "unrealistic" fantasy of being successful. But I WILL clinge on to my dreams till they become a reality.

For me, It all started with a dream. This deep rooted motivation, this raging desire, this blazing fire in the pit of my stomach that is consuming me, every waking moment of my life. Even this blog was started to fuel this one dream. Everyday I wake up to see this dream and everyday I can't sleep because of this dream. This dream is what keeps me going.

Teachers- You can keep your marks.
Relatives- You can keep your speech.
Friends- You can keep your criticism.
And I, I will keep my dream.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Hello dear readers,
This post is about something all of us have been striving to achieve for years. The ulterior motive of everything we have done till now (going to school, college etc) was to achieve this one thing. This thing that I am talking about is success. All of us wants to lead a successful life. And this post is to aimed to help you realize that dream.
The word meaning of success is subjective. It changes from person to person. I define success as infinite wealth and power. For another person, this term might mean finding a cure for cancer or being an Olympic gold medalist. So the first step to achieve success is to realize what It means to you. What do you want to be?
Many of us do know what we really want to do in life. But we don’t do it. Why? Because of FEAR.
“What will others think of me If I do this?”
“What if it fails?”
You can complete the question “What if………….?” In a million ways to fuel your fear and prevent yourself from even trying. And it is how one responds to that question, which will determine if he’s a winner or a loser. Do you rely on your petty excuses and don’t even make an attempt to succeed or do you go against all odds to make things happen?
Fear is your biggest enemy, my friend. It's unconsciously holding you back, preventing you from achieving success. But at the same time, if you do conquer this enemy, you will be on you're way to greatness. You will be a leader not a follower. You will be a risk-taker. You will leave this world, with a string of accomplishments and victories hooked to your name. And when I mentioned fear, I didn’t mean you're fear of spiders or height. I'm talking about your fear of failure, fear of the unknown and the fear of rejection.

The Fear of rejection: All of us are approval junkies. At the end of the day, we are all doing what others want us to do.
“I did this because everyone else did it…”
How many times have we justified our actions with this answer?
Friends, to overcome your fear, you need courage. Be Courageous enough to pursue what you truly want. Instead of following the footprints of others, set your own path. I know friends who have been pressurized by society to act against their free will. For example, one of my friends who has an insane passsion for automobiles, has chosen civil engineering because of parental pressure. Do you think he will be as successful in Civil as he would have been in automobile? I don't think so. When it comes to decisions regarding your life, don't rely completely on anyone. Ask for suggestions and advices but the final decision must be yours. (I cannot stress on this point enough)
Remember, your dream will seem ridiculous to another person and people WILL laugh at you when you do something differently. You will be ridiculed by people who won't even know what your passion is about. The losers, budge to the ridicule and follow the herd. The winners, pursue their dreams with courage and become great leaders. And they could not care less about what people think. I'm faced with ridicule all the time. But it doesn't get to me. I am bold enough to pursue what I want. And I will die a happy man doing what I do (being a businessman). I suggest you to develop a similar attitude.
Let me illustrate my point with real life stories of successful men.

US Senator Chuck Schumer said in the television series- The Apprentice, "If you want to know whether you'll be successful in what you do, Just do this exercise- When you wake up on a monday morning, if you feel in the gut to stay in bed and relax over the work, you will never be successful in that profession." LOVE WHAT YOU DO AND DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the only person in the world to win MR.UNIVERSE title for 2 consecutive years, the highest paid entertainer in hollywood, went to America as an immigrant. He wanted to get into the movie business. People used to laugh at him. They used to say, "How can you get into the movie with your stupid accent? And how the hell do you pronounce your last name?" All this humiliation did not discourage him. It made him pursue it with greater perseverance and persistence. And look where it got him? He ended up being the highest paid entertainer in history. He says, "I am where I am only because I did not listen to the word CAN'T". Remember, the word "can't" doesn't exist. And it doesn’t matter what people think about you. Because what people think of you, is not what you are. It’s what they perceive you are.

When you close this blog and return to your life, spend a moment with yourself. Ask yourself, "Are you doing what you really want to do?". If you are not, you're never going to be successful in a million years. You're half way to success by just making the choice to succeed.

So before I conclude, I'll tell you this one more time. Overcome your fear of rejection - It doesn't matter what people say about you.
Overcome your fear of failure- The fear of failure is worser than failure itself. It doesn’t matter if you fail. Like I said before, failing does not make you a failure but quitting does.


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Thanks a lot